How to assign roles and permissions

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Go to admin and click on “Role to User Assignment”
You will see all the users listed on the left hand side, on the right is the list of various roles in the system
When you click on a user name on the left, the role assigned to that user will be highlighted on the right hand side
A user can have more than one role, but it is good practice to only assign one role to each user
Some of the roles are mutually exclusive; you can assign them to the same user. For example nures role and practice manager roles are mutually exclusive
To assign a role to a user, simply click on the user name and then click on the role you want to assign. this will highlight both the user and the role
Next click on “Assign” that is situated in the middle of the user list and list of roles
To unassign a role from a user, simply highlight both the user and the role and then click on “Unassign”, this will unassign the role from that user account
Some of the roles are predefined in the system. Currently users can further define new roles by using “Permission to Role Assignment”