Role to User Assignments

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Here we add new users and assign them their roles. This is closely linked with the "Permissions to Role Assignment" page. We can switch back and forth between the two pages using the link at the upper right hand corner of the page.

00248 Roles to User Assignment

When a user is selected, their roles are displayed in green. In the left window, we've selected the user "Admin, AHC" and scrolled down in the right window to see that "physician" and "security_admin" are assigned to this user. There will always be at least one user assigned the "security_admin" role.

00263 role to user assignment


Click on "Edit" and a window with the basic information about the selected user opens. This same window will let us add a new user, if we click on "New" rather than "Edit."

00264 add edit new user


Be very careful entering the password for a new user and be sure you remember it. If there is a problem with a password, contact the system administrator.

The "Is Active" checkbox must be checked or the user will not be allowed to login. Also, a new user will not be allowed to login until their roles have been assigned.