![00005 home button](00005%20home%20button.png)
The starting page of HPN Chart. Also contains the user's customizable dashboard. It can be customized by using the Dashboard Manager
![00006 Patient Chooser](00006%20patient%20chooser.png)
Patient Chooser
Enables the user to choose, edit existing, and create new patients.
![00007 provider chooser](00007%20provider%20chooser.png)
Enables the user to choose, edit existing, and create new practitioner.
![00008 chart button](00008%20chart%20button.png)
Patient Chart
The chart contains all of a patients medical information including office notes, test results, insurance information and other critical information.
![00009 patient education](00009%20patient%20education.png)
Patient Education
Enables a provider and other staff to meet requirements for educating their patients about related health issues.
![00010 order assignment](00010%20order%20assignment.png)
Order Assignment
Allows the head nurse to assign orders and track them until their completion.
![00011 schedule button](00011%20schedule%20button.png)
Allows the front desk staff and others to add, remove, edit, track, and move appointments.
![00012 room tracker](00012%20room%20tracker.png)
Room Tracker
Allows the clinical staff and others to quickly view the status of each room, patient, orders, and test in the clinic.
![00013 worksheet for room](00013%20worksheet%20for%20room.png)
Allows the user to assign a certain patient worksheet to the computer in the room where the visit will be conducted.
![00014 exam room flow](00014%20exam%20room%20flow.png)
Exam Room
Provides clinical staff and other users the list of encounters and their status.
![00015 lab room flow](00015%20lab%20room%20flow.png)
Lab Room
Provides clinical staff and other users the list of ancillary visits and their status
![00016 events button](00016%20events%20button.png)
Provides clinical staff and other users the list of events and their status