Encounter Template

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When the patient is checked in and assigned to a room, a workup usually occurs first then followed by an exam or a lab procedure.  This activity is recorded using an encounter template also called the Worksheet.  A Worksheet Template is specific to the encounter and created using the Template Manager in the Administration Section of HPN Chart.


NOTE: The creation of a new worksheet template is usually performed by specific personnel trained to change or create the worksheet templates.


The result of a patient’s visit (encounter) is a note about the visit and is placed in the patient’s chart.  The note is usually the basis of billing the patient for the actions taken by the practitioner explained in a note.   A patient can be a new patient, or an existing patient where the last visit was two years or more, or an existing patient currently under care from a physician.  In the first two cases, a new worksheet must be created for their visit.  In the third case, part of the previous worksheet will become the basis for the new visit worksheet.  Then each worksheet becomes a history of the patient being treated by the practitioner.


00200 encounter template explanation