Patient Activity Display Panel

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00067 patient activity panel


The Patient Activity Panel includes 10 columns:


1. MR#
a.Medical Record Number assigned to the patient.
2.Patient Name
a.Date of the patient’s visit
a.Type of Visit
a.Document Template used in recording the visit
a.Patient records status ( in-progress, pre-authorized, authorized and created)
a.Name of Practitioner that performed the pre-authorization
a.Name of Practitioner performing the exam or lab test
9.Fax Recipients
a.Name of persons to whom the records were faxed
a.A series of actions that can be performed on the template
i.If status is in-progress or created then the trash ICON will be displayed.
ii.If selected the document associated with the template will be deleted.
iii.If the status is pre-authorized, then the note and fax ICON will be displayed.  If the note ICON is selected the letter format of the template will be displayed.  If the Fax ICON is selected the FAX Dialog Screen will appear and the letter format of the template can be faxed.


When double clicking on one of the patient information lines, the template document will be displayed in the Annotation View.


The exam and lab flow can be used by a practitioner to evaluate the patient information before entering into the exam or lab room.  These flows can also be used to prioritize the completion of a patient’s chart so that insurance billing and referral information can be faxed to other practitioners concerned about the patient’s health status.


As explained (see chapter on tracker board) the patient’s status changes throughout the visit from waiting to in-progress to pre-authorized to authorized.  The authorized status indicates the end of the patient’s visit, but the information for the patient that has authorized status will remain on the patient’s activity panel for five days, then it will automatically be removed. This allows the clinic staff quick access to all documents in the patient chart related to the visit so they can be printed or fax as required.