00012 room tracker

Room Tracker

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The Tracker Board displays the status of the Clinical Patient Rooms such as examination rooms, CT scan, Nuclear, etc.  To display the Tracker Board Click the word Track in the word group just below the Schedule View Word Commands.


If the room is not occupied by a patient, the tracker shows no activity.  If the room is in use, it shows the status and the name of the patient occupying the room.  The tracker board will refresh automatically every minute to give the current status of the rooms.  The Tracker board also shows the work in process.  It uses a series or color and status dots of various colors to indicate the status or the patient occupying the room.


00122 trackerboard


First Dot

Work up in Process

Color is yellow to indicate the status position.

Second Dot

Patient Waiting

Color is red to indicate the status position.

Third Dot

Encounter in Process

Color is yellow to indicate the status position.

Fourth Dot

Patient Waiting Test or Lab Work

Color is multicolored to indicate the status position.

Fifth Dot

Room is Free

Color is green to indicate the room is not occupied and also moves the patient into the checkout screen.



Clicking on the Patient’s name will display a pop-up window giving Two Main Menu Icons as shown in Tracker Board Front Desk Figure 79.  They are Worksheet (See the section labeled Go To Worksheet in this chapter) and Patient Dashboard (See the section labeled Dashboard).  Clicking on those Icons will display those screens.


The Two other Icons Patient Here and Waiting changes the status of the patient in the clinical process.


The Patient Here Icon will change the room the patient is in.

1.The patient may have been assigned a room, but now is a different room than that assignment.  Each computer has been assigned to a room.
2.Clicking the Patient Here button, the patient room assignment is changed to match the computer’s room assignment.


The Waiting Icon when clicked returns the patient to the waiting room.


The Tracker Board will also show patients waiting on pending orders or for another appointment made for the same day.  This is shown below the tracker board under the heading Patients Waiting On Pending Orders.