Merge Patient Accounts

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Occasionally, duplicate accounts are created. Perhaps a patient comes in that has gotten married and we don't realize that an account already exists under the patient's former name and create another account. Now, we have documents for one person in two accounts. This could lead to problems, so a way to consolidate the accounts is available.

In the "Admin" section, there's the "Merge Two Accounts" action. Enter the two account numbers (MR#'s), click on "Get Info!" and the identification information from the two patient demographic records will come up. Verify that these are the two accounts to merge, then click on "Merge." The documents in the "FROM" account will be moved to the "TO" account and the "FROM" account will be deleted.

Note: If the two accounts have the same account number, before they can be merged, the account number of one of the accounts must be changed to another number.

00253 merge patient records