Tab and Icon Row

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00391 tab and icon row image


Tabs in the row are Problem List, Medication, Trend View, Encounter Sheet, Soap Note and Annotation View.  The Individual Tabs will be explained later in this chapter.


00390 tab and icon row tabs


Immediate following the Tabs is a “Print Report” text command.  Clicking this test command will cause the Encounter Document to be printed.


00394 print report template view

The date of service is displayed immediately following the “Print Report” text command.


00393 date of service template date

ICONS on this row are Save Note to File, Authorize, Cardiovascular Risk Calculator (presently not active), Show/Hide Menu (presently not active), and Spell Check.


00392 template icons


00238 save encounter to file

Save Note to File

Clicking this ICON will save the note to a temporary file and can be saved multiple times throughout the completion of the Encounter Template.  When complete and authorized the Encounter will be saved in the patient’s file.


00239 authorize button


Clicking this ICON will cause an authorization dialog to appear asking for the PIN (Personal Identification Number aka Electronic Signature) of the person authorizing the Encounter Template.  Once the PIN is entered and OK is selected the encounter data will be filed in the patient’s chart.  The document will be marked as authorized or pre-authorized depending on the practitioner’s authorization level.


00240 import findings buttons

Import Findings

This Annotation Note is not accumulative of all the Findings reported in previous Annotation Notes.  Early Findings may not be as important in the current progress of a patient and is not brought forward.  There are situations where some of the previous notes need to be brought forward again.  Selecting a paragraph heading (or node) and clicking on this Import Findings will bring the latest reporting on the paragraph.  It may take Findings from several paragraphs to compile a the complete finding history.


00241 heart risk calculator

Cardiovascular Risk Calculator

Using the patient's current information, HPN Chart can advise the staff of the patient's cardiovascular risk.


00242 show-hide menu

Show/Hide Menu

This function is for building, editing, or deleting parts of the encounter templates.


00243 spell check button

Spell Check

Clicking this ICON will cause the Encounter Document to be checked against the HPN Chart’s Medical Dictionary for spelling errors.