Adding the Options

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Now that we have terminal nodes in the template, we need to add options to the terminal nodes. The terminal nodes in the Drainage section have selection as their input type. This simply means that the user will select one option from the terminal node. This may be the simplest job the template building process, so let's get started.

This is how the Drainage template screen should look:


064 drainage nodes


In this section we will add all of the options to the three terminal nodes. Here are the options from the Drainage section of the paper template we have been using.


044 drainage breakdown


Now we need to enter heavy, light, and moderate into the flow template.  Hover the mouse pointer over the gray box beside flow. Once the box expands you will see a white rectangle, click inside the rectangle. Enter the first option, heavy. Beside the rectangle there are two boxes, "set" and "add". If "set" is chosen the option you enter, in this case heavy, is entered into the terminal nodes temporarily. The next time the template is used, the heavy option will not be in the flow terminal node. If "add" is chosen, another box pops up asking if you want to permanently add the option. Click OK, and heavy will be added to the flow terminal node permanently. Here is a screen shot of the process.


065 options


Enter all of the other options for each of the terminal nodes using the same process. Once you have finished we will build the sentences for Drainage.