This is the patient demographics page. It is important to enter all of the patient's information correctly in this screen. However, if any information is entered incorrectly it can be edited using the [Edit] button on the Patient Chooser screen. Please be sure to enter all of the information marked with red asterisks.
![00044 patient info required](00044%20patient%20info%20required.png)
Enter/Update Patient Details
A unique identifier generated by HPN Chart for each new patient.
As a required field, the patient's SSN# is important for identification and billing purposes. If the patient does not have a SSN# enter 0 for the patient.
Goes by Name
In the interest of building a more personal practice, some patients may prefer to be called by another name. Enter that name here and it will appear in the patient's record.
For reporting purposes, enter the patient's date of birth.
Home/Cell/Work Phone Numbers
Enter the phone numbers if possible for notification purposes. This information is used in the Reminder section as the best contact number to remind patient's of upcoming appointments or events.
Emergency Contact Information
Enter the patient's emergency contact information here in case a situation arises where outside personal assistance is needed.
Access to patient portal
HPN Chart is linked to HPN Nano, a portal allowing the patient to have access to their complete medical history. If the patient wants access to HPN Nano, click the drop down menu and select yes.
Home Address and Billing Address
Some patient's may have their bill sent to an address other than their home address. Enter the home and billing information in the proper sections. In case both address are the same, in the Billing Address click the [Same as Home Address] button.
Other Information
Ethnicity in HPN Chart is a choice between (H) Hispanic and (NH) Non-Hispanic.
In this case, citizenship is asking if the patient is a citizen of the United States of America.
Uses Translator
Mark yes if the patient needs a translator.
Used with the translator setting, enter the language the patient uses.
Smoking Status
Records the smoking status of the patient.
Select Comment
HPN Chart allows a message to be displayed when the patient is checking in to remind front desk staff of insurance information, special needs, or information that needs to be brought to the patient's or other staff's attention. The drop down box is filled with previously created comments. These comment are created in the Add/Edit Insurance Comments section.
Shown Comment
Alert Comment
This box shows the message that will be seen when the patient schedules their next appointment. It is time stamped with the date of the last change of this message.
Show to Patient
Notify Department
Notify Email
For notification purposes of appointment changes or any other reason, enter the patient's email address.
Receive Statement
If the patient wants an electronic statement sent to this email click yes.
Reminder Email
This is the email address the patient will receive reminder notifications.
Preferred Number to Use
This is the preferred phone number to use when contacting the patient.
Preferred Time to Call
This the the preferred time to call the patient.
![00045 required information](00045%20required%20information.png)
HPN Chart will prompt the user to enter all necessary information by instructing the user to enter the missing information.
Before the patient can be created all of the required information must be filled.