00019 create a visit

New Visit

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To create a new visit instantly, click the New Visit button to open the window.


00073 create a visit


To create a new visit enter the patient MR# , or search for the patient information using the Patient Chooser.


Once that information is entered, choose whether the type of visit the patient will have:


1. Ancillary Visit

2. Encounter

3. Events


Once the visit type is chosen, the system will load the other information choices for each corresponding visit type.

00181 create new visit box


This is a completed new visit dialog box.

Once the patient is chosen select the type of visit.

Next, choose the template needed for the visit.

Depending on the visit type selected, HPN Chart will automatically load the templates that are associated with that type of visit.

Select the location of the appointment, setting, type, date and the physician.

Click OK to submit the visit for creation.

00182 new visit created

Once the OK button is clicked, HPN Chart creates the visit and gives the user multiple options:


1.Create Another Visit -- Allows the user to create a new visit
2.Go to the Worksheet -- Takes the user to the Annotation View of the newly created view
3.Go to the Lab Room -- Takes the user to the Lab Room view
4.Go to the Exam Room -- Takes the user to the Exam Room view
5.Close this window -- Closes the window and returns the current page
6.Logout -- Logs the user out of HPN Chart